Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our night witness our close breaths

Lying on bed in fever
under a blanket
having no feeling to open my eyes
but your gentle touch make it.

you! with a sense of care
watching at me,
needing me
to get well soon

our eyes meet
you lie by me
as if you learn my unspoken wish
my burning body with
my hot breaths have started touching you

it is unpalatable to you
but with a sense of care
you doesn't leave me alone
and our night
witnesses our close breaths.

How my leisure passed.

I know, I can’t tell you that I look at others. You know what I mean. I ought not to tell you this at least so openly, but you know I can’t hide any things from you.

Today, I just standing at a crowded place and young girls and women where walking around and making noises as if honey bees are flying all around me. With a sense of panic I looked at them. They were beautiful, spell bounding, and magical. They were wearing office suits, jeans, trousers, shorts, Salwar Kameez and sari. You just name the dress and it was there. Of course with their respective tops. Some girls have short hair, some long. Some have magical smiles, some have magical face. All walking, mostly all in pairs.

They succeeded in giving me a sense of loneliness. I felt bad. I felt I was alone. I was without you.

Suddenly I saw a woman from her back with meddling height and weight and her flawless skin. I begged to see her long, from her front, from her side. She was clad in her black sari, walking in a group of four, I walked first and stopped at a short distance while playing with me mobile. She was beautiful. Her complexion behind her sari just accentuated my eyes. I saw her long. She walked away and soon again crossed me while returning. I remained there gazing at her.

Sweet stuff, I don’t want to tell you how my leisure passed today but I want to tell that how badly I miss you. I miss to hold you long in silence, without saying a word, just trying to listen the voice of silence.

Darling! While standing there suddenly I asked myself: What am I doing? Gazing or Leering! Is it correct? I felt bad.

Dear! We find very short time to be together, really together. I know you need to tell me a long how your day passed. How many works have finished today and still many may need your time and et al.

But within all this we are missing our time.

I know how can you react when you read me, you will first smile then simply say- “Jaanu! so today you had a nice time. You enjoyed…no? It is good to have such time for sometime. “ But I want you to hold me before it becomes a habit.