Friday, June 18, 2010

Live a debonair life

The fact is everyone is living in stress and has their crosses to bear whether it is at domestic front or in the office. Problems are never less.

All the things that we receive by our senses affect our body. Foods that we are taking are not pure and edible to a good extent. Air which we are inhaling is not clear and good. Nothing is pure in this world around us even the thoughts are full of stress and anxiety.

At such a world of disharmony how far a man can look perfect, young and healthy? That is why we find media pulling our whole attention on itself by advertising products by young dashing models, in perfect glow of lights and colour and at rich location which is showed after further modification with the help computer so we can be mesmerized and filled with a sense of comparison and make our life as the way they want to set us.

We dress as they ask. We eat what they show. We plan our holiday where they target. Everything is as if scripted. Life is just a set of comparison that at the end fill our life with distress, suffocation, anxiety and guilt.

Set yourself free, live your life, carefree and in an enjoyable air by just changing a small changes in your life, as
Turn jocund- Listen your heart and dance as it says. Don’t run behind the perfections of models and advertisement claims.

Love your body- Love it for its flaws and left everything at the name of quirk of a fate and live with yourself.

Avoid nosy parker type friends and colleagues- keep away those who don’t mind their own business and spend time in other’s dressing and personal habits.

Avoid those media slaves- Have a time to feel yourself comfortable.

Get set and go- let the old stock of fashion magazine be sold in weight and add them to lit fun light in your life.

Strike a balance- Have a balance day and night. Work well, eat good, think good, and exercise well and sleep sound at night and relax!

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