Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Alpha adulteress: Powerful women willing to have flings

LONDON: A new survey has found that high-earning, successful women are every bit as willing as their male counterparts to use their power to attract younger lovers for quick flings.

A new academic study has suggested that women are inherently no more virtuous than men. It's just that, in the past, they have lacked confidence or opportunity to stray.

Like men, women are finding that power is a potent aphrodisiac, and they are giving in to the thrill of illicit lunchtime assignations and the sheer excitement that accompanies their transgression.

Nor do they feel any more guilty or ashamed about it than a man would.

Joris Lammers of Tilburg University in the Netherlands, who conducted an anonymous survey of more than 1,500 readers of a business magazine, found being powerful makes women more prone to be unfaithful.

He questioned people, from top corporate executives to ordinary employees, about whether they had had affairs.

They were asked how powerful they thought they were and quizzed on other factors including their feelings of confidence, and what they thought their risk of being caught was.

The results showed a link between power and infidelity, regardless of gender. "The strongest predictors are not moral belief, but power and opportunity," Lammers said.

"Power can undermine your morality and increase your risk-taking, and the effect of power on women is just as strong as on men."

Why successful men have affairs: It's the need to 'top up' testosterone

Why are today's men having an affair at the back of their wives, fiancee or girlfriends? According to one of the world's best-selling psychologists, powerful men have higher than average levels of testosterone, which they seek to 'top up' when their reserves become depleted. One way they do that is to have an affair.

Dr John Gray, author of 'Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus', has claimed that the gulfs in understanding that divide men from women are being exacerbated by hormones, which are working against people achieving monogamy in a stressful world.

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