Sunday, April 22, 2012


getting into a deep relationship with married woman

I think anybody who sees the title will snigger at it openly may be in the presence of others or his peers to "keep up his gentleman image" but when alone will come back to this hub to read it to know "what it says ?". The curiosity itself suggests its popularity but not many have the guts to own their weaknesses or likes and dislikes. Usually "l'affaire" means it is understood that it is a "skeleton in a man's cupboard" If this is the case with men think about women who get into this kind of relationships

I would like to talk about men having "affairs with married women" - so one point is clear- there is no question about the man's marital status and that plays no role here too. Generally women are very careful and cautitious when they get into this kind of relationships which are "generally not acccepted by the society as acts that decent cultured women do" I hope you will agree with me on that.

If one gets into a real statistics we will find out that there are more number of married women get into extra marital relationships than married men. Yes its true. Marriage is a gamble and anybody can be the loser. We are not sure who is the person who is going to rock the boat.May be because I am a woman I can think of marriages from a woman's point of view. I know the pot holes where a woman loses her balance and ends up in a relationship which she knows that if it comes out it will be an eruption of emotions.

It's not that this piece is going to be totally "feminine oriented" but a slight prediliction for women.I can't help it because after all I am a woman you see. Actually when women get into affairs there is definetely a strong reason behind it because they know for certain that this is not the right thing to do. They also know that once the matter leaks out their reputation will become a question mark even among her peers especially her children to whom she is answerably socially, morally and emotionally. Knowing all these if a woman gets into an affair then you should realize that she must have been driven to it. If you drive a woman mad against the wall then the only option left to her is jump over it -though it may be morally and socially wrong.

I think that with every marriage "sexual or physical attraction" wanes away as time passes and children come in and a sort of boredom creeps in . This mainly happens with women who has a lot of money to blow and has nothing concrete to do.Such women are generally social butterflies and regular party goers where they can easily hook a man of their choice. Again in this case too some women would prefer it to be just a "fling" with no strings attached to it and this case is very very safe for men who develop a short lived romance with these women.

But when we make recess into a woman's mind especially a woman who has got into a serious relationship with a man and that to with the husband around you must really understand that there is definitely a strong reason behind this relationship. No intelligent would like to jeoparadise her blissful married life with kids unless other wise this relationship gives her the comfort that she cannot get from her spouse. This is the first and foremost factor and I am sure a good majority of you will accept my point.

"Fraility thy name is woman" said Shakespeare and seldom does he fail in etching female characters. Yes women are fragile and what is wrong in being fragile - after all we are the ones who created this world of men and women by asking Adam to eat that fateful apple. We want to be loved, caressed, cajoled with hugs and kisses all the time. These are not silly things but are physical manifestations of love. Love has several languages and one is of course the physical attraction. Every woman likes to be pampered in one way or the other and why deny her that?

The last thing a woman can tolerate from her marriage is indifference. Even minute things whether this color suits her or not , whether the trinkets go with her dress or not do matter to her. And my question is why should it not? No dictionary in the world says "marriage is for producing babies" and this can be done without marriage too if the couple prefers to lead a bohemian way of living.

It is indeed ironical that the man who gets involved with married are unknowingly getting into a quagmire from which they can never extricate themselves. FIrstly a married woman getting into a relationship with another man ( adulterous relationship) must be headstrong and knows what she wants and how to get it too. If it is an ordinary fling also means that it is going to bite into the man's purse and parsimony is the last thing a girl friend accepts in a man. Another danger is married women once they get into a serious relationship with a man will cling on to him, become possessive about him ( again an emotionally danger signal) and does not allow him out of her sight even for a while and tries to keep him tied to her apron strings. Things become worse if the woman develops a kind of committment toward the man because she will expect the man to reciprocate the same emotion and feelings.

And this actually becomes the breaking point because there is a difference of commttment level between a man and a woman. A woman's committment toward anything or anybody is nearly cent per cent whereas you cannot expect the same level from a man. This is not a criticism but just that they are made that way. When the relationship reaches this crucial level women tend to go to extreme steps like getting addicted to alchohol, smoking or abusing sleeping pills or may plunge into a deep depression.

My suggestion is a favor I am asking everyman all over the world. Never have flings- it may be fun for you but it is a serious affair for a woman. Never go to the level of physical relationship with a married woman because for you it may be "just one more" but for her a moment she would cherish for her life time. Never play with a woman's emotions becuase for you it is just a joke but for her it leaves a deep dent which can never be filled by anything except your life which is not possible when you are not married. Beware of married women -do not barge into their lives please.

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