Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beware of office flirts, they do it out of boredom

LONDON: Women, beware of office flirts, as they might be doing so because they are bored of their job and lacking in sensitivity, psychologists say.

A survey of about 200 people carried out by a team from the Surrey University in the UK found that office flirts had lower levels of job satisfaction, suggesting that rather than being a sign of passion their amorous behaviour could be down to ennui.

A follow-up study found that men who flirted at workplace had lower levels of "emotional intelligence" or understanding of other people's feelings.

The second study also indicated that women who flirted at work were happier in their jobs, but researchers said the result could have been a fluke, the Daily Telegraph reported.

The researchers set out to test the theory that flirting could improve people's chances of being promoted at work. Dr Adrian Banks, who led the study, said: "What we found was the complete opposite. Flirts don't perform better at work and men who flirt are less satisfied with their jobs. There is strong evidence against that notion that you can flirt your way to the top."

The team then conducted a second survey to establish whether men who flirted at work were different from their peers in any way.

'Romantic ties are driven by women'

In a romantic relationship, it's the woman who takes the lead by relentlessly pursuing her man with phone calls and text messages, a new study has found.

But, once they reach middle-age their interest switches to a younger woman, presumed to be their daughters, who become old enough to have children, according to the analysis of 1.95 billion cell phone calls and 489 million text messages.

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, also shows that men call their spouse most often for the first seven years of their relationship, and then they shift their focus to other friends.

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