Saturday, May 19, 2012

Promiscuous married women 'have more secret lovers than men'

London, May 18 (ANI): Women are more promiscuous, having an average of 2.3 secret lovers compared to a mere 1.8 for men, it has been revealed.
The UK Adultery Survey 2012, which studied the behaviour of 4,000 cheats, found that once women decide to play away they are far more likely to play the field in search of love.
While men claim the pursuit of sexual excitement, boredom with their marriages and the need of an ego boost are the main reasons for cheating, women say they are looking for emotional fulfillment, an improvement to their self esteem and romance.
Female adulterers are also far more prone to falling in love with their illicit lovers than their male equivalents.
Emily Pope of Undercover Lovers, a dating site for married people seeking affairs with some 600,000 members, said the results of the survey challenged the commonly held view that men are more adulterous than women.
"Once they have made the huge decision to have an affair, women have far more opportunity to actually find someone to cheat with and are generally in control of deciding if and when to consummate the relationship once they do," the Daily Mail quoted her as saying.
The survey also found that women are likely to be the first to get itchy feet in a marriage.
While unfaithful men don't have their first affair until almost six years of married life the average female cheater strays just five years after exchanging wedding vows.
They are also usually younger than men when they stray with the average female adulterer starting at 37 compared to 42 for men.
"More and more neurological research is revealing that male and female brains are programmed differently when it comes to relationships.
"The results of our survey bear this out, with our adulteresses seemingly seeking something far more emotionally meaningful from their affairs than their male partners," she said.
Both sexes agree that monogamy is an unnatural state for humans even though 76 percent of women and 67 percent of men claim to still love the spouse they are cheating on and more than 80 percent of both sexes intend to stay married.
However, the research also found that many adulterers are hypocrites.
More than 40 percent of women and almost 30 percent of male would ask for a divorce if they discovered their spouse was having an affair. (ANI)

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