Thursday, January 21, 2010

It is hoped...

It is in the air
that he is dead
He died due to his heart
His blood soon clotted
His autopsy says-
His respiratory system was fine
... but some unknown shock took his life

it is said
now he is a ghost.
he walks
with his unspoken pang of love.
he says
God exist.
He has seen
And has felt Him.
He comes and ever comes
through his heart as his love
whispers those magical word of love
that rattle his heart
and with an uncontrolled passion
he hold Him tight in embrace

God! inject poison in his soul
and vanished...
Four times
He conspires to kill him.
Each time He failed.

Alas! it was the fifth time
and the last
and the most shuttle and the sweetest.
he died in peace
after finishing his last letter of love
to his sweet stuff

Ghost! he is now.
he utters
He fall in love
from a girl of foreign land
Her smile first steal his heart
soon then her eyes.

he read her love
in her those magical eyes...
He smiled in passion
and his life was in bless.

He dreamt thousand dreams
Probably in his dream
He asked her- A KISS
Her refusal becomes his death.

Now he is a ghost
walks with his unspoken pang of love
Searches his woman-
his soulmate,
his God,
his Sweet stuff

it is hoped
If she kissed him,
Give him her Slobbery kisses
He could again be alive.

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