Friday, January 22, 2010

dream and Reality

“Life is all about one’s experience.” I had heard and it reminded me of my experience with my mother. One early morning she asked me– “You know what I dream today?” I just looked at her with a sense of what next she wished to say. “I didn’t see anyone’s face but just an impression. I felt that your father had come home and asked me to come with him and I agreed. But suddenly I asked about you. He nodded only. I took you in my hand. You were very young, not as you are today. We sat on the front seat of our old ambassador car and you on the back and he drove the car.”

“We came near a place where there was a new colony under construction. He parked the car aside. Now there was a road not very wide but muddy. We walked down and moved towards a building. Suddenly, I saw an envelop on the dusty earth. I picked up the envelop but I didn’t know how I sensed that it had some money. I kept it in my bag. We walked further and suddenly I saw three women from the opposite side who suddenly stopped me and a woman asked me to return that envelop to her. It contained Rs. 400/- in cash. I first gave a look. I could not understand how she saw this. Then I simply refused to return it to her. My logic was – this I have not taken or stolen from her. That lady saw me and then soon smiled and agreed with my words and logic and said – “OK you keep.”

“Without saying a word I moved fast towards a house. It was nearly on completion. I thought that it was ready to start-living. I moved in and looked every room and corner and imagined how it would look after finishing. With a sense of satisfaction I looked at your father that we could buy this house. I didn’t see him but a sense told me that he also liked this house.

“I again walked further and heard a woman talking with other women about these houses. I walked fast to them. There I also saw these three women who were standing and talking. A woman was telling that this house cost just Rs. 16000/- each and with easy installment of Rs. 250/- p.m. I looked at your father asking – “Would it not be possible to pay 1000 p.m. as an easy installment and receive the house in just 16 months.” He again nodded.

“I thought to ask your father about these three women and the incidence of the envelop and felt to ask – whether I did the best or not? And how come that woman only smiled and said-”OK you keep.” There was no bitterness writ on her face. But to my surprise I didn’t find your father standing by me. I asked you. I asked a few people around me. Suddenly I saw a few familiar faces; I asked them too about him. They asked me to see him in the office. He might be there. I went there but sorry to say he was no where.

“God knows where he vanished in the middle of everything.” I said and suddenly my eyes open, realizing it is morning and I was only dreaming.

“For a short while we sat in silence then she asked- why did I see such a dream? I had no reply and a silence hung between us. Then she slowly walked away. Suddenly the famous lines of Tom Clancy came into my mind-“The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.”

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