Friday, February 5, 2010

God bless these soothesayers

God bless the soothsayer they are too sure about their words once my patience over-spilled as a writer and I was before the one. It was probably 2003. When I was in the mid of frustration.

That man looked deep into the lines of my palm and said patiently about the pressure I was carrying over my head but Soon things would go smooth. He said – “Next year I will hooked up into matrimony.”

I informed him my elder brother is still single.

He said– “Romantic relationship will bring happiness in my life.”

I looked at him again and without fail I corrected him – “Girls are out of my card. I only dream to be a writer. My novel is to complete and I need to find a good publisher.

“Soon, the fate of the girl will allow me to stay schedule with my creative urge that will do wonder. I will soon be likely to come across with some offers and that will fit in with my long term career goal.” He added.

"Well" his words were like a fairytale.

After a minute or two with a serious note in his voice he asked – "Is my father with me?"

Sadly I said -“No.”

He died …. But before I could complete my sentence he said being impatient – “I will lose my mother on 14th Feb 2008.”

I had nothing further to ask him.

I was frozen first then melted badly into tears.

For the two long years I didn't dare to tell his words to anybody but his words keep on ringing in my mind. Slowly one afternoon I missed to hold it within me. “I lost my father it was in my hand. I will loose you it is also written in my hand and i know even the date.” I said it before everyone of my family and become emotional.

My elder brother’s wife who was also there came with her careful words – “Look you are still single and there is no drop in the matrimonial desert.”

Correct, she has a point but I remained tensed.

Till today my mother is with me happy and growing with life.

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