Saturday, January 30, 2010

Whose pretty face was more magical?

It was year ending and I was crossing from a market place where there many shops selling new year’s calendar and while crossing suddenly I felt an urge to stop and to see a few calendar. It was just me moment I walked into a shop. To my surprise, I thought that this shop might be having more than a few thousand calendars of different hues.

This shop was big and crowded, so I stand on a corner and started watching the calendar hanging on the walls. It was of God, Goddess, natures, animals, tall buildings foreign countries, sports stars and film stars etc.

I didn’t feel bad to stand on a corner and watch these calendars, needless to say because there were young girls and women busy in selecting calendars from themselves. And as it is a universal truth that women can never work silently so they were many buzz. They were talking, exchanging their views and time to time smiling and shyly laughing.

I was a good observer and I was acutely watching these young girls and women mostly in skin tight blue jeans, long and short skirt along with the colorful tops. I noticed there was a young dolled up girl in beautiful pink top and a blank short skirt. She had a mesmerizing beauty and I felt there was something very fresh in her before I could note something further, I heard a very young girl’s voice and I didn’t take much time to understand their relationship. I, in a utter disbelieve, saw her again, I smiled and turned my eyes away. But still there was something which I felt left an urge within me.

I felt I was in the middle of my great thoughts suddenly there all of a sudden a calendar pulled my attention on itself. It was a calendar of a film star probably, clad in a bridegroom’s suit, holding a mysterious massage in her shining smoldering eyes. I believed that there were some unspoken promises over her lips. I felt like believing on her.

I walked near the shopkeeper and asked for the calendar. I felt this one was hooked long here now it should not be here any longer. He immediately took that calendar out of the nail and soon raped it with a brown paper and gave me in a bag. Without saying anything I made the payment and walked out.

I felt to rush fast into my room. I took the taxi and as I was into the taxi, I felt an urge stronger than myself to see her again. I opened the bag, took her out and soon I was meditative.

My taxi stopped and I was before my home. I paid the fair and in no time I was into my home. Now the most difficult time started for me. It was the time of decision and action. I needed to place her at a place where I could see her at my connivance, in my every now and then. After thinking hard I felt like placing it just before my bed hence, I could see her the moment I open my eyes and could meditate long before the slumber.

Perfect! Nearly each morning and night and even sometimes long in afternoon I remained busy in my new business. In the mean while how quick the year passed on and I felt a need of a new calendar. I asked several question several times to myself regarding this but I didn’t feel like taking any decision, but after a week struggle, I agreed to have a new one.

I was again in that shop. Again I found the shop crowded but I only needed to buy any new calendar. I looked at everywhere, at all the corner but none suited me the best. Suddenly I heard a man asking me – “May I help you? Sir!” I nodded. He asked me to follow him. He took me on a counter and he showed me a few and I happily walked out with one.

In way back to my home I was thinking where to place this new one. I didn’t feel like disturbing the first then the question disturbed me where could I place this new one? I thought long and at last I decided to place it next to her. Now each morning I found pleasure of looking at the two beautiful women and whenever I saw them I found myself in the middle of a question whose pretty face was more magical? Whose face was more promising and mysterious? I felt I lose many of my time in thoughts but when a thought came- “thus far and no further” I decided to put the new above the old. For a few days I felt a relief but soon the question jostle me in the quagmires of thoughts- Whose pretty face is more magical?

Year after year passed my question remained strong at its point until a beautiful woman walked into my life and who pushed and probed my matrimonial buttons.

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