Friday, February 26, 2010

Have you ever suffered for love

“Have you ever suffered for love?” I was not expecting such a question in such a good evening from a lady friend of mine. I gave her a silent look then pass a smile and soon we talked about rest other things of world around us. But when I came home her question rose its head in my mind.

I looked all around me but I found nothing was there to hold me away from this question. I feel forced to reply it, tonight.

After my first romantic disappointment, I didn’t allow myself to look at this side of my world. I tried to escape and at the same time tried hard to understand what love is? It became important for me to know what I did? Was it really love or something else. I tried to understand but i got no reply.

The beauty of love could only be perceived and can’t be defined.

But I found this news had become the first news among my friends and they were having a lot of fun in teasing me as if they were just meant for this. I started to feel bad about them and I tried to stay away of everybody’s way.

I rarely liked spending my any time around other people of my age. Soon it became a part of my lifestyle. I was with adult people. I knew how to talk to adults. It was refreshing to spend time with them. I loved talking to them, listening to them, knowing about their experiences in life and how they feel about life.

I sometime dearsay to ask about their bygone affairs. Some even try to open their mouth and post this ask me never to open my mouth in public in such confidential matters.

I found a lot many interest in knowing how people lived as their relation come to an end. Will they ever prefer to remember them when they forgot it? I tried to compare my situation with them. I definitely got a strong believe that love holds a very strong emotion that never old with age.

It is new and always refreshing to go into the past moments romantic life. People enjoy this even though they pretend badly now there is nothing in mind. I loved listening these words.

But I noticed that these moment sprouted a wonderful relationship between me and the person. Sometime that person was a lady. Women are more romantic in nature. They just need a moment to get open after that they will say a good deal of their life.

With a handful of women and men I dared to tell about my romantic disappointment. Definitely they helped me lower down its pressure from my heart.

But why people tease me? No real reply came but i believed that those were not my friends. I made mistake in finding friends and I should look at some new people. I tried and find some like minded friends.

But I was badly shocked to know when I was hooked in married woman. These words was prattled by their husband at home and they were struggling for their good time.

This event badly effected my heart and I felt scared and alone.

I struggled badly to talk to these kind of husbands and now their root of believe strong but I just failed.

I felt my good time with women specially destroyed their good time with their husband for a sort time at least. I promised myself that I don’t need any further curiosity to dip into anyone’s romantic history either a person is a male or not.

I started living my life... a life like a looser, alone.

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