Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Promise me my sweet stuff

My life becomes more difficult when this probability triggers that I may live my life without my Sweet stuff. It is in her presence my life become more fulfilling and easy. I learn more about the invisible that is more powerful than the visible. I learn that the invisible has the capacity to change many upcoming visible of the life. I learn to believe in the thing which are once only like any fairytale.

Her presence seems to me like a window from there I can view this world wonderful and magical: from there I can see that dreams have some powers and holds importance and meaning in life and not .only that it gives the life its true meaning and far more important reasons to live on...

When she is before my eyes I feel this visible world is kissed by the invisible. My hopes and dreams are all here with us then. I don’t need anything further. I don’t wish any further. My life is just complete.

My sweet stuff, my life is nothing if you are not by me. I will just like an old broken log which can be brunt in a cold night into ashes.

Promise me you will always be with me and our life is lived like a dream...!

1 comment:

quel said...

yours words are pure romance dear