Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A wind from the past

Yesterday night, I was spending my time with a book there suddenly mother asked me what new I was reading. First I didn't try to reply her because word after word I was gripped into the emotion of the book. But soon after finishing I liked to shear the story with her.

I continued and nearly I was nearer to the end she just interrupted me by saying- “No mother could bear the lose of her two sons."

True, here exactly the same thing was written. But why she not let me finish the story?
I saw at her. She was transported into a past. An incidence similar to this story of my book had come to pass in her life.where she and my father had come into such difficult situation.

Long back, I was not born, and my two elder brothers were kids. It was an evening and as usual my both elder brother went out to play but both returned back soon, saying – "a uncle was crying badly in the vicinity and several people have gathered there. "This news was given to my father then he went there to know what the matter is?

After an hour or so he returned with shocking news that the man who was in question had lost both kids of his sister. Everyone was crying expect the lady.

Freezing wind might had just freezed the time. My mother didn't dare to word her shock. The beautiful face of the young kids floated over her mind and out of disbelieve she asked– both? How?

God knows how? Her young daughter, who was just three and a half year old got sick and died then within twenty four hour her son, who was five year old, died. Both the bodies were there in the room and in the next room every lady around her sitting and crying but the lady was only staring at the closed door without tears.


"We both went there." Mom said. My father took a man in confidence and they both went in and took both kids in their hands, bring them before her sight in order to burst her into tears. As they did the frozen sea of her grief just busted uncontrolled.

That lady again conceived a baby after two years or so and soon again but none were like those.

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