Friday, June 18, 2010

Man and woman friendship

“Man and woman and friendship” we have been witnessing this since long in our society and in western societies. So it is no surprise if we know a lot about this and can have faith we can easily handle any situation if it touches our smooth go of life.

But! It is much easier said than done. Temptation and lust has always carried our life from ages. We have a set of rules for others but for our self rules can be compromised.

In a man woman friendship who can best guide except the person in question himself? Only he or she can draw the line” thus far no further.” But it all depends how careful one is because several times it is seen that things started so easily that one failed to see any trouble and then suddenly it hits him or her hard then we realize that it is too late to value the present relationship and be worried about the future responsibilities.

Man woman both have come into a given work culture where interaction and personal shearing of feelings and thoughts are very likely and so closeness to one separation from another is not too far a cry.

One can be noble in his or her feelings but how would one can know or be sure that he or she doesn’t have some other agenda in mind?

The possibility of complications is very likely when one friend wants more out of the relationship.

Dr. Mira Kulshrestha, clinical psychologist, warns: Having an opposite- sex friend opens the possibilities of both emotional and sexual infidelity. One can never quite predict or predetermine how one thing may lead to another. Being emotionally close to another person could result in letting down your guard, and becoming vulnerable to an emotional affair, which given time and opportunity, may well pave the way to a physical affair. You may think you want to get out of the situation but it never that easy.”

And According to the survey conducted by “the News of the world tabloid,” more than 30 per cent of British men have had affairs, and a quarter of women have been mistresses.
· 1 in 3 British men have had extramarital affairs.
· 1 in 4 women have had sex with married men.
· 1 in 5 married men don’t consider monogamy realistic.
· 1 in 3 women who cheat do so with a colleague.
· 75% of people cheat because of boredom.
· 20% of men don’t think sex with a prostitute is cheating.
· 60% of people cheat to feel more attractive.
Susan Quilliam has to say about this.
For men “The classic example is a man cheating after the birth of a baby as he wants sex and he’s not getting it from partner.”

For women” A woman might be unfaithful because the romance has disappeared from her marriage. Often, she doesn’t want to end the relationship…”

Not only that researchers have found from dating website: “Parship” that 42 percent of men who believes in love at first sight had later cheated. To reach the conclusion, Boffins had quizzed 5,000 single men and women.

It is said for 75 per cent of single men and 80 per cent of single women it takes at least five dates over a number of weeks to decide whether or not get serious. What’s more now over 50, cheated more when younger than people under 30 do today.

Last but not the least, London based expert Dr. Louann Brizendine has dived inside a man’s mind and confirmed what most women long suspect: Men are obsessed with sex, hide their emotions, and cheat.
She says:” The best advice I have for women is make peace with male brain. Let men be men.”

The testosterone drives what Louann calls the “man trance”- a glazed–eye stares at breasts. She says: “I wish I could say that men can stop themselves from entering this trance. But the truth is, they can’t.

The brain’s part inked to sexual pursuit is two-and-a half times larger in males than females.

Men want an average 14 sexual partners in their lifetime. Women want one or two.

Biologically speaking, men are more comfortable lying to the opposite sex.

In case of women, foreplay is everything that happens in 24 hours before intercourse. For men it’s what happens three minutes before entry.


nikhil said...

hi sir ji....
your blogs are too good....

Anonymous said...

hi sir ji.....
it's too good...