Thursday, July 29, 2010

good one

Today is not a good start

You wake up

Suddenly from a dream

As if you are missing me.

You sat on bed

Still feeling sleepy

But worried about me

Only worst thoughts are coming.

You come on your computer

Turn it on

Connect it to net

Login to your email account.

You find me again missing

It’s very frustrating

You close your eyes

Then take deep breaths.

Hours you spend

Reading my old letters

It’s beautiful and soothing

It fills your heart with peace.

You wake up my sons

You work in kitchen long

You dress them, feed them

And leave them at school.

You are in your hospital

Busy with your routine jobs

But still I am in your mind

Your attention is over me.

Days are slipping

You are missing me

You are living stranded

With dreams and nightmares

I know all this

I am smiling

Because I too missing you

And feeling the same.

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