Wednesday, July 28, 2010

writing is a world of imagination

writing is for those who loves words, who looks for words for self expression.

A human in his or her life experiences a large range of emotions and because each human has its own way of thinking that makes one different from another and unique and that is why each have a unique style of writing.

Writing is like opening a new world, which is far away from this world but still have some element of this world, first the writer only see through is imagination then he or she put his or her imagination on papers and then reader's mind creates his or her own imagination that is both are in the imaginative world, enjoying fiction and relating this world with the writer's imaginative world.

This creates involvement. A writer also wants to be a good reader so he can feel the world of another writer as a reader as well as how a reader reacts when he flows with the imagination of a writer along with its own. A reader wants to be a good reader so he can be with the writer all the time. This is how a chain is created, a relation is made and a writer gets its reader and a reader gets its writer.

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