Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Slapping a child

Slapping a child can never be an issue in India for a tiff. it is just a normal practice. no one can give a next thought before and after the action

One day I was with a Brazilian woman who was a mother of two and while talking to her I informed her that yesterday that I went besides myself and on a spur of the moment I slapped a kid who may be three year old but without missing a moment I said “Oh no!” it was my first reaction. Without giving me much time to explain further she clearly declared: You did wrong. What you taught the child from your action- violence. Think what you did. What he will be in future? He will use violence against those who not agree with him. Dear, THINK. Now there is a law in my country and in many countries that if anyone who do such acts is answerable to the judge.
She left me stranded and curious at the same time.
I, after a pause asked her: Suppose if I were the father of your sons and had done the same how you had chosen to react.
To my surprise, she, again, took no time and replied in firm voice: I would have talked to you and very much sure that I would have ended this relationship.
My eyes just couldn’t dare to remain at its place. It was just ready to come out of eyes socket. I failed to believe over my ears. I felt there must be something virtually wrong with my ears.
I repeated again: Would you have done this to me?
She said: “I know your culture a little which is different so we must have a serious time together to understand each others.”
I felt I was getting very weak and missing words to express myself.

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