Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Feeling Alone In This Crowded World

Alone! It means we have pull us back from others human being. We have made walls. We have made notions about others. We have become insecure. We have developed fears from other fallow and have feared of becoming a subject of social mockery.

Well, true, in this world it is really true. It is next to have someone whom one can feel own. It is very difficult to have friend, relay on him or her and let on our heart.

Indeed, in this way we save ourselves from the outer struggle but what about the inner chaos. It is tearing us apart.

We need someone to shoulder us when dark negative thoughts rushing into our mind. We need to feel someone close to our heart, someone! So we can feel that we are not alone. There is someone who needs me, care about me, and my absence can make some difference in his or her life.

I remember here at this point an urdu poet’s word:

Oh tears! Don’t come over the sill of the eyes

And let on your crying heart

People walk with salt in their hands

Don’t show them the marks of your wounds.

Everyone has their own crosses to bear so each is looking for a way of entertainment and we must of the time try to fill our emptiness of heart by enjoying others pain. Life si difficult and pain has only one way to be stopped to multiply is by keeping inside.

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