Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mother son story meet an unfortunate turn

Aimee L. Sword, 36, living at Waterford, found guilty of having sex with her biological son, has been sentenced for 9 to 30 years of jail for her deed.

She gave up her son for adaptation when he was just an infant. The adoptive parent’s of her son regularly sent her the photograph of the boy along with the letter confirming his well-being. However the chain was broken back in 2008 when her son turned 14. After that she didn’t receive a photograph of her son. She tracked him in Facebook. She was then living with her husband and five children ranged from toddlers to teens.

Oakland county prosecutor Jessica Cooper said after sentencing that “It is a very tragic case and I am concerned for the welfare of this young boy.” Adding that she is concerned of what the incidence may have done to his future.

Aimee. L. Sword’s attorney, Mitchell Ribitwer said to newspaper:
“Aimee’s searching for a reason why this happened. She can’t understand it.
"When she saw this boy, something just touched off in her—and it wasn't a mother-son relationship, it was a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship."

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