Saturday, January 30, 2010

Whose pretty face was more magical?

It was year ending and I was crossing from a market place where there many shops selling new year’s calendar and while crossing suddenly I felt an urge to stop and to see a few calendar. It was just me moment I walked into a shop. To my surprise, I thought that this shop might be having more than a few thousand calendars of different hues.

This shop was big and crowded, so I stand on a corner and started watching the calendar hanging on the walls. It was of God, Goddess, natures, animals, tall buildings foreign countries, sports stars and film stars etc.

I didn’t feel bad to stand on a corner and watch these calendars, needless to say because there were young girls and women busy in selecting calendars from themselves. And as it is a universal truth that women can never work silently so they were many buzz. They were talking, exchanging their views and time to time smiling and shyly laughing.

I was a good observer and I was acutely watching these young girls and women mostly in skin tight blue jeans, long and short skirt along with the colorful tops. I noticed there was a young dolled up girl in beautiful pink top and a blank short skirt. She had a mesmerizing beauty and I felt there was something very fresh in her before I could note something further, I heard a very young girl’s voice and I didn’t take much time to understand their relationship. I, in a utter disbelieve, saw her again, I smiled and turned my eyes away. But still there was something which I felt left an urge within me.

I felt I was in the middle of my great thoughts suddenly there all of a sudden a calendar pulled my attention on itself. It was a calendar of a film star probably, clad in a bridegroom’s suit, holding a mysterious massage in her shining smoldering eyes. I believed that there were some unspoken promises over her lips. I felt like believing on her.

I walked near the shopkeeper and asked for the calendar. I felt this one was hooked long here now it should not be here any longer. He immediately took that calendar out of the nail and soon raped it with a brown paper and gave me in a bag. Without saying anything I made the payment and walked out.

I felt to rush fast into my room. I took the taxi and as I was into the taxi, I felt an urge stronger than myself to see her again. I opened the bag, took her out and soon I was meditative.

My taxi stopped and I was before my home. I paid the fair and in no time I was into my home. Now the most difficult time started for me. It was the time of decision and action. I needed to place her at a place where I could see her at my connivance, in my every now and then. After thinking hard I felt like placing it just before my bed hence, I could see her the moment I open my eyes and could meditate long before the slumber.

Perfect! Nearly each morning and night and even sometimes long in afternoon I remained busy in my new business. In the mean while how quick the year passed on and I felt a need of a new calendar. I asked several question several times to myself regarding this but I didn’t feel like taking any decision, but after a week struggle, I agreed to have a new one.

I was again in that shop. Again I found the shop crowded but I only needed to buy any new calendar. I looked at everywhere, at all the corner but none suited me the best. Suddenly I heard a man asking me – “May I help you? Sir!” I nodded. He asked me to follow him. He took me on a counter and he showed me a few and I happily walked out with one.

In way back to my home I was thinking where to place this new one. I didn’t feel like disturbing the first then the question disturbed me where could I place this new one? I thought long and at last I decided to place it next to her. Now each morning I found pleasure of looking at the two beautiful women and whenever I saw them I found myself in the middle of a question whose pretty face was more magical? Whose face was more promising and mysterious? I felt I lose many of my time in thoughts but when a thought came- “thus far and no further” I decided to put the new above the old. For a few days I felt a relief but soon the question jostle me in the quagmires of thoughts- Whose pretty face is more magical?

Year after year passed my question remained strong at its point until a beautiful woman walked into my life and who pushed and probed my matrimonial buttons.

Friday, January 22, 2010

dream and Reality

“Life is all about one’s experience.” I had heard and it reminded me of my experience with my mother. One early morning she asked me– “You know what I dream today?” I just looked at her with a sense of what next she wished to say. “I didn’t see anyone’s face but just an impression. I felt that your father had come home and asked me to come with him and I agreed. But suddenly I asked about you. He nodded only. I took you in my hand. You were very young, not as you are today. We sat on the front seat of our old ambassador car and you on the back and he drove the car.”

“We came near a place where there was a new colony under construction. He parked the car aside. Now there was a road not very wide but muddy. We walked down and moved towards a building. Suddenly, I saw an envelop on the dusty earth. I picked up the envelop but I didn’t know how I sensed that it had some money. I kept it in my bag. We walked further and suddenly I saw three women from the opposite side who suddenly stopped me and a woman asked me to return that envelop to her. It contained Rs. 400/- in cash. I first gave a look. I could not understand how she saw this. Then I simply refused to return it to her. My logic was – this I have not taken or stolen from her. That lady saw me and then soon smiled and agreed with my words and logic and said – “OK you keep.”

“Without saying a word I moved fast towards a house. It was nearly on completion. I thought that it was ready to start-living. I moved in and looked every room and corner and imagined how it would look after finishing. With a sense of satisfaction I looked at your father that we could buy this house. I didn’t see him but a sense told me that he also liked this house.

“I again walked further and heard a woman talking with other women about these houses. I walked fast to them. There I also saw these three women who were standing and talking. A woman was telling that this house cost just Rs. 16000/- each and with easy installment of Rs. 250/- p.m. I looked at your father asking – “Would it not be possible to pay 1000 p.m. as an easy installment and receive the house in just 16 months.” He again nodded.

“I thought to ask your father about these three women and the incidence of the envelop and felt to ask – whether I did the best or not? And how come that woman only smiled and said-”OK you keep.” There was no bitterness writ on her face. But to my surprise I didn’t find your father standing by me. I asked you. I asked a few people around me. Suddenly I saw a few familiar faces; I asked them too about him. They asked me to see him in the office. He might be there. I went there but sorry to say he was no where.

“God knows where he vanished in the middle of everything.” I said and suddenly my eyes open, realizing it is morning and I was only dreaming.

“For a short while we sat in silence then she asked- why did I see such a dream? I had no reply and a silence hung between us. Then she slowly walked away. Suddenly the famous lines of Tom Clancy came into my mind-“The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.”

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It is hoped...

It is in the air
that he is dead
He died due to his heart
His blood soon clotted
His autopsy says-
His respiratory system was fine
... but some unknown shock took his life

it is said
now he is a ghost.
he walks
with his unspoken pang of love.
he says
God exist.
He has seen
And has felt Him.
He comes and ever comes
through his heart as his love
whispers those magical word of love
that rattle his heart
and with an uncontrolled passion
he hold Him tight in embrace

God! inject poison in his soul
and vanished...
Four times
He conspires to kill him.
Each time He failed.

Alas! it was the fifth time
and the last
and the most shuttle and the sweetest.
he died in peace
after finishing his last letter of love
to his sweet stuff

Ghost! he is now.
he utters
He fall in love
from a girl of foreign land
Her smile first steal his heart
soon then her eyes.

he read her love
in her those magical eyes...
He smiled in passion
and his life was in bless.

He dreamt thousand dreams
Probably in his dream
He asked her- A KISS
Her refusal becomes his death.

Now he is a ghost
walks with his unspoken pang of love
Searches his woman-
his soulmate,
his God,
his Sweet stuff

it is hoped
If she kissed him,
Give him her Slobbery kisses
He could again be alive.