Tuesday, February 9, 2010

You keep things secret

You know i can’t hide anything from you, so don’t say- mere jannu- you keep things secret. Please read and know each other inside out.
1. Not to fight with her any longer.
It sounds sweet but it will theift our habit of saying by counting one to hundread times- sorry.

2. She believes me but doesn’t trust me.
I know, I know what does she mean by this?It is her tricky way to ignore my passionate love.

3. Her sleepy face.
It is wee hour and my love has just wake up from her heavy sleep and looks just as if she has come out of my dream

4. A moment when we laugh together.
When she fails to understand me, first she smiles over my irritation then reads me on her PC and we both laugh.

5. Regular Exercise:
Her habit of spending her long hours on socialising site often make her life hectic.

6. Her curiosity:
With whom i am chating on yahoo messenger?

7. Her fun:
Gives safe heaven to my wishes when i am not at all expecting.

8. My best compliment:
She is just divine. She denies it as if it is not true but it is the most meaningful word to her because it is said by the most important person of her life.

9. Her best compliment:
You are different on mail and on g-talk.

10. Her best way to handle any bad situation between us:
Change the topic. Next day: Yesterday is past, she has forgot. No need to bring it in present.

11. Her complain:
You hurt me. (logic- Only those who are close to heart can hurt.)

12. Her best expersion:
Hummmm!! & rsrsrsrsrs!!

13. Her strength:
Happiness depends on nothing. It is just in your mind.

14. Her weakness:
She can’t forget herself in anyone’s hand.

15. Her problems:
Still lives her nightmarish past that has divided her personality into two (but she never agrees on this).

16. My problem:
My heart aches thinking about her adult life with so many broken cookie’s complains.

17. Our difference:
She badly fails to understand me when I try to help her in understanding herself.

18. Her sweetest word:
Take care of yourself “mare jaanu” i am not with you to look after.

19. Our adventure.
Start writing a love making scene then in the mid way stop writing and ask her to complete.

20. A thing that we just let it happen:
It just happens and we walk deep into each other’s soul.

1 comment:

quel said...

A sweet love this ..