Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Venus William and her dressing sense

In the world of fashion and style life is a very cheesy thing. Venus William on her court dress has proved that life is cheesy. She has won name more not due to her performance on court but for her skimpy dressing sense. She has never won the Women’s Singles titles and has one appearance in the French open final.

But she is the talk of every news readers, tennis lovers.

Oomph! They will say: Venus William has far more beautiful sense of dressing that gives an eyeful of her shapely derriere.

But she says: Feminine dressing makes her feel more in control when playing competitive tennis.

On the first day Wimbledon Venus William was seen in a tasseled outfit inspired by 80’s Pop star Tina Turner- a white layered dress that looked more suited to a night club than a tennis club.

Explaining the inspiration behind this outfit, she said: I love her, Tina Turner.

Story of a mummy's milk into cheese

The world of cuisine is very funny. You will laugh first at the idea that human milk can be used in cuisine. A chef made cheese out of his wife’s breast milk.

This idea came to a chef Daniel Angerer when his wife Lori Mason gave birth and she began freezing her excess milk.

As her baby daughter Arabella found the milk too much for her use Daniel found an interest to know whether human milk could be used in kitchen. So he decided to use. His experiment began and he was amazed to find it that tasted sweet and delicious.

Now the usual cheese is on sale at the chef’s Klee Brasserie in New York.

He is using it in a range of up-market dishes, including maple caramelized pumpkin-encrusted cheese with concord grapes, and cheese rolled in dehydrated porcini mushroom powder with burned onion chutney.

Daniel says: Being a chef, you’re curious about anything in terms of flavor. You look out for something new and what you can do with it. After two weeks’ ageing, it was some what like a raw-milk cheese- it had all the flavors in there. It tasted just like really sweet cow’s milk.”

“It wasn’t like, ’Hey, this is such an amazing cheese.’ It‘s just like, ‘Can you use human milk?’ Yes, you absolutely can" he added.

“Our baby has plenty of back-up mother’s milk in the freezer, so who-ever wants to try it is welcome to try it as long as the supply lasts.”

He added: "His cooking instincts are rather natural- such as sourcing ingredients from the local market. But this is a whole other level of natural.”

Daniel offers a recipe for the adventurous to make their own. It requires four cups of milk, a small amount of yogurt, rennet and a teaspoon of sea salt, which he said, would yield half a pound of cheese.

The chef, who first announced the project on his blog, received responses ranging from ‘gross, who’s supposed to eat this’, to ‘fabulous’.

His supporters are now urging him to consider making breast milk butter and breast milk ice cream.

www.danielangerer.com if one likes, one can read his blog.

Kelly Brook’s words and Playboy deal.

Have a wild guess about a men’s magazine and for sure “Playboy” is the name we all agree. This magazine is an iconic publication and they are very picky about who they want.

Well, this time the dazzling actress and glamorous English model Kelly Brook, who knows for unveiling her lingerie range and who knows how to show off her big twin assets in public, has now finally got a place in this magazine as a cover pin-up girl.

She, 30 who boosts a 34E cup size of breasts which will soon in tastefully shot and published and for that she has signed a deal of $500,000 (Rs 2.33 corer)

Earlier she was seen in men’s magazine like: Loaded, GQ and FHM

She says: she has no qualms in letting her natural pictures get published, insisting she was not absolutely prefect. She says: I have been quite heavily retouched in the past. Lad’s magazines were always blowing up my boobs. I didn’t mind if someone wanted to make my boobs look bigger and legs longer. But now it’s unrealistic.

The Mirror quoted her as saying: “I want to look like myself. I am not that skinny, or 10-ft Brazilian, and I think women want something more real,”

The star said that she was initially uncertain: “But, then I thought it would be cool to show what I look like in raw.”

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Three in a marriage

There is a saying: in a marriage when you begin to trust a person on outside it more than the one in it, it’s bound to create problems.

Three people in a marriage can be a tricky situation. This is also known as triangular web and whenever we talk about such situation we can’t forget the Princess Diana famous statement in a Television interview when she spoke for the first time about her marriage hanging by a threat. ”There were three of us. It got a little crowded.”

But how is this third person comes?

He or she comes as ex-lover or a newly found love. It is not necessary to this third to be physically present but can be just present in the mind of the one.

Human relationship is a set of complicated mixture of closeness and separation. But each closeness and separation leaves a strong mark on mind and it is very likely that husband or wife may like to go into the past and till their memory and compare his or her present comfort level with the past.

It is natural but at the same time dangerous for the present relation if the comparative voices are left loose in the open.

Many relationship counselor and Psychologist think that very ways.

But truth is truth. If mind will think mouth will say. As British Model and Actress Elizabeth Hurley, 44, who has much bigger female fan base than male, said recently before media that her comfort level was high with Hugh Grant, (with whom she had dated for 13 years) though she is presently married to Indo-British business man Arun Nayar.

Pop star Madonna said several interviews that the comfort level she sheared with her first husband Sean Penn, despite their falling out, is irreplaceable.

Elizabeth Taylor said even though that time they were separated: “Richard Burton was magnificent in every sense of word, and in everything he ever did. He was the kindest, funniest and most gentle father. All my kids worshiped him. Attentive, loving- that was Richard. From those first moments in Rome, we were always madly and powerfully in love. We had more time but not enough.”

Man Woman and Stress

Man chooses a woman to navigate his life with happiness. But it is seen that under stress his choice changes.
The research done at the University of Trier, Germany, says: Men are generally attracted to partners with facial features similar to their own, but when under depression or stress, they fall for women with dissimilar features as well. The appeal for similar looking partners comes from a human tendency to place more trust on a familiar face that could lead to a long–term relationship. But stress shifts the focus from long-term relationship to the urgency of pairing up with someone. Researchers predict that stress might increase men’s tendency to out-breed. So if you want your man to remain loyal, try to help him ease out his stress.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Live a debonair life

The fact is everyone is living in stress and has their crosses to bear whether it is at domestic front or in the office. Problems are never less.

All the things that we receive by our senses affect our body. Foods that we are taking are not pure and edible to a good extent. Air which we are inhaling is not clear and good. Nothing is pure in this world around us even the thoughts are full of stress and anxiety.

At such a world of disharmony how far a man can look perfect, young and healthy? That is why we find media pulling our whole attention on itself by advertising products by young dashing models, in perfect glow of lights and colour and at rich location which is showed after further modification with the help computer so we can be mesmerized and filled with a sense of comparison and make our life as the way they want to set us.

We dress as they ask. We eat what they show. We plan our holiday where they target. Everything is as if scripted. Life is just a set of comparison that at the end fill our life with distress, suffocation, anxiety and guilt.

Set yourself free, live your life, carefree and in an enjoyable air by just changing a small changes in your life, as
Turn jocund- Listen your heart and dance as it says. Don’t run behind the perfections of models and advertisement claims.

Love your body- Love it for its flaws and left everything at the name of quirk of a fate and live with yourself.

Avoid nosy parker type friends and colleagues- keep away those who don’t mind their own business and spend time in other’s dressing and personal habits.

Avoid those media slaves- Have a time to feel yourself comfortable.

Get set and go- let the old stock of fashion magazine be sold in weight and add them to lit fun light in your life.

Strike a balance- Have a balance day and night. Work well, eat good, think good, and exercise well and sleep sound at night and relax!

Man and woman friendship

“Man and woman and friendship” we have been witnessing this since long in our society and in western societies. So it is no surprise if we know a lot about this and can have faith we can easily handle any situation if it touches our smooth go of life.

But! It is much easier said than done. Temptation and lust has always carried our life from ages. We have a set of rules for others but for our self rules can be compromised.

In a man woman friendship who can best guide except the person in question himself? Only he or she can draw the line” thus far no further.” But it all depends how careful one is because several times it is seen that things started so easily that one failed to see any trouble and then suddenly it hits him or her hard then we realize that it is too late to value the present relationship and be worried about the future responsibilities.

Man woman both have come into a given work culture where interaction and personal shearing of feelings and thoughts are very likely and so closeness to one separation from another is not too far a cry.

One can be noble in his or her feelings but how would one can know or be sure that he or she doesn’t have some other agenda in mind?

The possibility of complications is very likely when one friend wants more out of the relationship.

Dr. Mira Kulshrestha, clinical psychologist, warns: Having an opposite- sex friend opens the possibilities of both emotional and sexual infidelity. One can never quite predict or predetermine how one thing may lead to another. Being emotionally close to another person could result in letting down your guard, and becoming vulnerable to an emotional affair, which given time and opportunity, may well pave the way to a physical affair. You may think you want to get out of the situation but it never that easy.”

And According to the survey conducted by “the News of the world tabloid,” more than 30 per cent of British men have had affairs, and a quarter of women have been mistresses.
· 1 in 3 British men have had extramarital affairs.
· 1 in 4 women have had sex with married men.
· 1 in 5 married men don’t consider monogamy realistic.
· 1 in 3 women who cheat do so with a colleague.
· 75% of people cheat because of boredom.
· 20% of men don’t think sex with a prostitute is cheating.
· 60% of people cheat to feel more attractive.
Susan Quilliam has to say about this.
For men “The classic example is a man cheating after the birth of a baby as he wants sex and he’s not getting it from partner.”

For women” A woman might be unfaithful because the romance has disappeared from her marriage. Often, she doesn’t want to end the relationship…”

Not only that researchers have found from dating website: “Parship” that 42 percent of men who believes in love at first sight had later cheated. To reach the conclusion, Boffins had quizzed 5,000 single men and women.

It is said for 75 per cent of single men and 80 per cent of single women it takes at least five dates over a number of weeks to decide whether or not get serious. What’s more now over 50, cheated more when younger than people under 30 do today.

Last but not the least, London based expert Dr. Louann Brizendine has dived inside a man’s mind and confirmed what most women long suspect: Men are obsessed with sex, hide their emotions, and cheat.
She says:” The best advice I have for women is make peace with male brain. Let men be men.”

The testosterone drives what Louann calls the “man trance”- a glazed–eye stares at breasts. She says: “I wish I could say that men can stop themselves from entering this trance. But the truth is, they can’t.

The brain’s part inked to sexual pursuit is two-and-a half times larger in males than females.

Men want an average 14 sexual partners in their lifetime. Women want one or two.

Biologically speaking, men are more comfortable lying to the opposite sex.

In case of women, foreplay is everything that happens in 24 hours before intercourse. For men it’s what happens three minutes before entry.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My madness is growing.

Sweet stuff
I am feeling nothing.
I am missing nothing.
I am living for nothing
I am hoping nothing
I am doing nothing.
I am writing nothing.

It is all
I am doing
If you are not with me

Please be with me.
I miss you a lot.
I want to cry in your arms long.
Without knowing why I am doing this.
Probably just to tell you
I am mad for you.

My love! I think you understand where my madness is growing.

Sweet tears roll down

It was dark
when you cried
your sorrow
slowly swipe out
from your eyes

Rolling tears
just rolled down
None was there to hold
to console
to pat
you with love
you missed me
all around yourself
your thoughts
didn't come
nearer and nearer to me
your heart
became weak
it rattled in desperation
your soul felt abundant !

Your sweet tears
rolled down
your feeble voice
left within
your mind
remained clouded
your body
left frozen.

Stillness of silence
witness everything
And honestly
conveyed me all .....