Saturday, July 31, 2010


Crazy ! Crazy were those days
When i first met you
I was carrying the craziest desire
to hold you always before my eyes
I wanted to pull all your attention.
I did everything
whispered magical words
made funny reasons to meet
crack funniest of jokes to make you laugh
long before my eyes.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

good one

Today is not a good start

You wake up

Suddenly from a dream

As if you are missing me.

You sat on bed

Still feeling sleepy

But worried about me

Only worst thoughts are coming.

You come on your computer

Turn it on

Connect it to net

Login to your email account.

You find me again missing

It’s very frustrating

You close your eyes

Then take deep breaths.

Hours you spend

Reading my old letters

It’s beautiful and soothing

It fills your heart with peace.

You wake up my sons

You work in kitchen long

You dress them, feed them

And leave them at school.

You are in your hospital

Busy with your routine jobs

But still I am in your mind

Your attention is over me.

Days are slipping

You are missing me

You are living stranded

With dreams and nightmares

I know all this

I am smiling

Because I too missing you

And feeling the same.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

writing is a world of imagination

writing is for those who loves words, who looks for words for self expression.

A human in his or her life experiences a large range of emotions and because each human has its own way of thinking that makes one different from another and unique and that is why each have a unique style of writing.

Writing is like opening a new world, which is far away from this world but still have some element of this world, first the writer only see through is imagination then he or she put his or her imagination on papers and then reader's mind creates his or her own imagination that is both are in the imaginative world, enjoying fiction and relating this world with the writer's imaginative world.

This creates involvement. A writer also wants to be a good reader so he can feel the world of another writer as a reader as well as how a reader reacts when he flows with the imagination of a writer along with its own. A reader wants to be a good reader so he can be with the writer all the time. This is how a chain is created, a relation is made and a writer gets its reader and a reader gets its writer.

Feeling Alone In This Crowded World

Alone! It means we have pull us back from others human being. We have made walls. We have made notions about others. We have become insecure. We have developed fears from other fallow and have feared of becoming a subject of social mockery.

Well, true, in this world it is really true. It is next to have someone whom one can feel own. It is very difficult to have friend, relay on him or her and let on our heart.

Indeed, in this way we save ourselves from the outer struggle but what about the inner chaos. It is tearing us apart.

We need someone to shoulder us when dark negative thoughts rushing into our mind. We need to feel someone close to our heart, someone! So we can feel that we are not alone. There is someone who needs me, care about me, and my absence can make some difference in his or her life.

I remember here at this point an urdu poet’s word:

Oh tears! Don’t come over the sill of the eyes

And let on your crying heart

People walk with salt in their hands

Don’t show them the marks of your wounds.

Everyone has their own crosses to bear so each is looking for a way of entertainment and we must of the time try to fill our emptiness of heart by enjoying others pain. Life si difficult and pain has only one way to be stopped to multiply is by keeping inside.

Slapping a child

Slapping a child can never be an issue in India for a tiff. it is just a normal practice. no one can give a next thought before and after the action

One day I was with a Brazilian woman who was a mother of two and while talking to her I informed her that yesterday that I went besides myself and on a spur of the moment I slapped a kid who may be three year old but without missing a moment I said “Oh no!” it was my first reaction. Without giving me much time to explain further she clearly declared: You did wrong. What you taught the child from your action- violence. Think what you did. What he will be in future? He will use violence against those who not agree with him. Dear, THINK. Now there is a law in my country and in many countries that if anyone who do such acts is answerable to the judge.
She left me stranded and curious at the same time.
I, after a pause asked her: Suppose if I were the father of your sons and had done the same how you had chosen to react.
To my surprise, she, again, took no time and replied in firm voice: I would have talked to you and very much sure that I would have ended this relationship.
My eyes just couldn’t dare to remain at its place. It was just ready to come out of eyes socket. I failed to believe over my ears. I felt there must be something virtually wrong with my ears.
I repeated again: Would you have done this to me?
She said: “I know your culture a little which is different so we must have a serious time together to understand each others.”
I felt I was getting very weak and missing words to express myself.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Two woman in one life

Life really throws challenge when one finds two women in his life. Better check your symptoms before it become too late.

· No more interest in sleeping together.

Mind is a stupid thing. It can’t keep one in mind for arousal and other for normal love. No, Never. Most Psychiatrists agree to the fact that as soon as a man’s get aroused by another woman and body starts shearing then the interest in the regular partner diminishes.

· Easily get offended.

When mind is focused on another woman, it doesn’t hold the regular partner at its place and the difference can be easily felt in day to day behavior.